


这种方法在之前有一定的门槛,需要我们有能力将单词编成一段故事。但是现在不一样了,我发现 ChatGPT 的能力完全可以满足我们的需求。

我们可以要求 ChatGPT 使用指定的单词来生成一段文本,并且给出对应的中文翻译。这样一来,只需要将大纲词汇都交给 ChatGPT,就能生成许多篇包含大纲词汇的文章,我们只需要读这些文章就能深入理解单词了。

按照这个思路,我使用 Python 实现了这个想法(后续会专门发一篇文章讲讲实现过程,十分有意思),我现在已经使用高考大纲词汇、四六级核心词汇生成了文章,这里免费分享给大家。只需要关注我的微信公众号,在后台回复 “语境法记单词”,即可获取下载链接。


Once upon a time, a wealthy businessman decided to invade the high-tech industry. Furthermore, his savings provided him with a lot of capital to invest in the latest technology. He believed that if he could successfully create a new platform and software, it would earn him a great deal of money. So, he hired a team of technicians to help him develop a digital technique that would revolutionize the industry.

After numerous attempts at creating the perfect product, the team finally succeeded. Their software was not only efficient, but it was also highly intelligent and could be operated electronically by automatic devices. They even incorporated wireless technology that could scan and detect radiation with a terminal. The businessman knew that this would be a huge financial breakthrough and quickly began to market the product.

Soon, the media caught wind of this new technological advance and began to sponsor it. The stock prices soared, and the businessman’s assets doubled. He was praised for his economic brilliance, and many economists studied his success in the economy. However, as time passed, the government required him to pay a tax on his new invention, and his account was in jeopardy. Nevertheless, he persevered and continued to innovate new products, spending his wages on further research and developments.




当然,现在仍然存在一些问题,目前的 ChatGPT 发挥不稳定,文章质量参差不齐,需要进行人工校对。但由于生成的文章数量过多,我还没有来得及对所有文章进行校对,这里欢迎有意愿的各位共同参与修订。目前下载链接只有 Markdown 格式,后续整理好之后会在链接里更新 PDF 格式,方便各位阅读和打印,欢迎持续关注。